Ryan Lang - Middle School Faculty

Photo of Ryan Lang

Ryan Lang

Work Phone: (805) 646-1423 x1319


Mr. Lang teaches woodshop to students in grades PK-8 and serves as the Fine Arts Coordinator at the Lower Campus. Born and raised in the Ojai Valley, Mr. Lang brings local knowledge of the environment into the classroom. His parents were both long-term faculty members at OVS, so his experience at the school is deeply rooted throughout his entire life. Before joining the OVS faculty, Mr. Lang earned his Professional Clear Credential from CSU Channel Islands and taught at Topa Topa Elementary to English language learners. In addition to teaching woodshop, Mr. Lang hauls horse manure for the school in his dump truck and distributes it to local organic farmers, minimizing waste produced at both Lower Campus and Upper Campus. He also assists in the school kitchen compost program. Mr. Lang spends his summers hiking, snowboarding, and fishing in Alaska; and his winters surfing, skateboarding, and exploring the backcountry of Ojai. He lives in Matilija Canyon where he enjoys tending to his garden and swimming in the creek.