Portrait of a Graduate

Ojai Valley School students are encouraged to explore their interests, know themselves, and develop an appreciation and respect for others on a global scale. By the time they graduate, they will have developed the academic strength, the character, and the self-confidence to meet life’s future challenges in an ever-changing world.

Specifically, an Ojai Valley School graduate:

  • Exercises Resilience: Pursues a healthy and balanced lifestyle; Confidently meets life’s future challenges; Adapts to evolving learning environments to maintain a lifelong investment in education
  • Thinks Critically: Resourcefully and creatively solves problems; Explores interests, develops deep core knowledge, and succeeds academically; Appreciates and understands multiple perspectives
  • Embraces Community: Acts with kindness, empathy and inclusiveness; Honors and advocates for cultural and global diversity; Collaborates in ways that contribute to the greater good
  • Champions the Environment: Develops a deep appreciation for the outdoors; Works to protect, preserve and restore the natural environment; Applies eco-conscious practices, including “leave no trace” habits
  • Acts with Integrity: Appreciates and respects others; Values honesty and acts ethically; Takes responsibility and accountability for actions
  • Contributes With Sincerity: Powerfully and effectively communicates; Serves the community through leadership and shares a joy for learning; Exhibits independent thinking and a commitment to active, constructive citizenship